We know applying for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits can be a long and frustrating process, and we commit to doing everything we can to make the application process easier for you.

Do you think you qualify?

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We help you get your benefits quickly.

We have helped over 150,000 clients receive SSDI awards and take pride in our fast and favorable decisions. With a history of initial win rates almost DOUBLE the national average, our experienced Client Advocates are some of the most knowledgeable and resourceful people in our business. Our Client Advocates understand the entire SSDI process and can help with everything from the application itself to helping you calculate SSDI benefit amounts you may be entitled to receive each month.

We help you understand the application process.

Applying for Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits can be a long and overwhelming process. Our team of experienced Client Advocates at The Advocator Group is here to help you every step of the way.

Whether we help you complete and submit your initial application or one of our experienced disability attorneys attends a hearing to advocate on your behalf, we are your support system and represent you throughout the process.

Overview of the application process.

This chart outlines the most common steps in the Social Security Disability application process.

But remember, our team moves quickly and directly.

We take pride in helping our clients obtain early awards, which means that you likely won’t need to go through every step in the application process in order to receive your benefits.

Sample Timeline of Benefit Payments

Note: This infographic is educational only and not meant to provide legal advice or guidance.
Image: Timeline of Award Reimbursement

We help you understand your award.

When you are awarded Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits, there are likely two parts to your award:

  1. Monthly benefits paid to you each month that you continue to qualify for SSDI. We can help you understand and calculate SSDI benefits that you will be entitled to each month.
  2. A “one time” retroactive payment. This retroactive payment reimburses you for the benefits you earned while applying (“past-due benefits”). Five (5) months from your disability onset date, SSA recognizes your entitlement to benefits. If you are approved for SSDI benefits six (6) or more months following your disability onset date, the SSA will pay you a lump sum for this period.

We help you understand how your SSDI benefit is calculated.

How is SSDI calculated? Monthly Social Security Disability (SSDI) payment amounts are calculated based on your salary before you become disabled and the number of years you worked while paying Social Security taxes.

On SSA’s website, you can access benefit estimate calculators to estimate potential disability, retirement, and survivor benefits using different retirement dates and levels of future earnings. The estimates are based on the information you enter and are not linked to your earnings history.

If you need help obtaining a copy of your Social Security statement, or if you think you may be eligible for SSDI, contact us today.

Our support doesn’t end.

When your claim is finally approved and you begin receiving your monthly SSDI benefits, your team of Client Advocates at The Advocator Group will still be here to answer any questions you have and help you in any way we can. If you have questions, just give us a call!

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We are unable to assist you. Please contact your local Social Security office to discuss Social Security Insurance or Social Security Retirement. Click here for more information on SSDI eligibility.


We are unable to assist you because you are already receiving Social Security Disability benefits.




We are unable to assist you because you must have paid taxes for at least 5 out of the last 10 years to be eligible for Social Security Disability.

Not sure

Please call your local Social Security office at 1-800-772-1213 and ask for your work credits and your date last insured.

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We are unable to assist you.
Please contact your local Social Security office to discuss Supplemental Security Income or Social Security Retirement.
Click here for more information on SSDI eligibility.

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I am currently receiving SSDI benefits.

We are unable to assist you because you are already receiving Social Security Disability benefits.
However, if you are interested in returning to work while keeping your benefits click HERE.


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I worked at least 5 of the last 10 years and paid taxes.

We are unable to assist you because you must have paid taxes for at least 5 out of the last 10 years to be eligible for Social Security Disability.

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