What is the Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool and how do I fill one out?
The Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool, or BEST, is a questionnaire that is designed to help you determine whether or not you’re eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and will display a list of benefits that you may qualify for based on the answers you provided.
It’s important to note that this is an informal survey and it is completely anonymous. BEST is also not part of the disability application process, and as such, it will not ask for your Social Security number, nor will it access any of your records. It will also not provide you with an estimate of the amount of benefits that you’ll receive if approved.
BEST is a helpful tool and one that can provide you with a good amount of information. It’s a great preliminary step to take when you’re thinking about applying for disability; you can even fill it out for someone else to see if they may qualify.
You can start the questionnaire here. And if you have any questions as to what to do next once you’re done, you should give us a call.